Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christmas Giveaway Sponsored by Adorabelles!

It's the season of giving and it's time again for Beauty on a Budget to give back to it's readers! Adorabelles has so graciously sponsored this giveaway and has agreed to send one lucky reader one of the gorgeous blanket scarfs pictured above. I know what you're thinking? HOW DO I ENTER?! Here are the rules:

Facebook Entry
To enter on Facebook, all you have to do is like both my fan page for Beauty on a Budget and the fan page for Adorabelles, then share the original post with the photo above.

Instagram Entry
To enter on Instagram, you must first follow me @Bridgetb2011 and also follow the Adorabelles page @ShopAdorabelles, then post the photo above with the tag #BeautyOnABudgetScarfGiveaway. You can also tag my personal account if your account is private so I will be able to see that you shared.

Twitter Entry
To enter on Twitter, you must follow me @Butterybiscuit7 and also follow Adorabelles @ShopAdorabelles, then tweet the above photo with the tag #BeautyOnABudgetScarfGiveaway

Blog Entry
The last way to enter is to comment on this post and tell me what your favorite thing about the holiday season is. 

Did I mention that you can enter once on each social media site, meaning that you can increase your chances of winning by sharing all four ways! Want to see more looks from Adorabelles but you don't live in Kentucky? Don't let distance hinder you from wearing some of the hottest styles this season. Head on over to their online shop at http://www.shopadorabelles.com where shipping is always free! Now that's something every girl on a budget can afford. The winner will be announced on December 19, 2014! 

Thank you all for reading and good luck! 



  1. The thing that I love about the holidays is getting to spend them with each of my grandparents. Each year I'm blessed that I get to spend another Thanksgiving and Christmas with each of them 😊

  2. I love being able to spend quality time with my family during the holidays. Grad school has pretty much taken over my life, and this is truly the only time I get to spend much time away from studying to be with family. It truly is my favorite time of the year! :))) <3

  3. My favorite thing about the Holidays is having all my family & friends together in the same place😊It's the only time of year I get to see them all in one place & it's the best feeling in the worldπŸŒŽπŸ’šπŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽπŸ’❤️😍
