Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday: How To Grocery Shop While Trying To Lose Weight

Are you happy with how you look? Do you feel comfortable in your own skin? Do you eat junk and never gain an ounce? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you should probably go on over to the beauty section of this blog and work on your eyeliner skills.For the rest of us, we are faced with the daunting task of grocery shopping, and even worse-- Not knowing what to buy while you're there. This is my train while I'm at the supermarket, "Nothing sounds good and nothing looks good, except that family sized package of Chips Ahoy. Do I smell fried chicken? I'm hungry. I would love fried chicken right now... Holy shat! Look at the size of my ass in the reflection of the freezer doors. Guess I better put this gallon sized jug of gelato back. " When I was in beast mode with my diet, I kept googling phrases like "example grocery shopping list while dieting" and "what does Justin Bieber eat to keep his girly figure?" I searched in vain for the perfect shopping list to take with me to Kroge's. I have been taught that someone somewhere has already done what I need to do. This is America! Land of the lazy! Unfortunately, those who have perfected the ultimate shopping list while dieting have kept it secret... Until now. In this post, I am going to help you all learn a few staple items to include in your grocery shopping while you're trying to drop a few pounds. I hope that you'll find this list helpful and if you know of anything tasty I should try, let me know!

Produce Section: No, Carrot Cake Is Not A Vegetable
Just because it grows does not mean that it is healthy. At this time your shopping cart may frequently contain potatoes, carrots, peas, or corn. Buy fresh ingredients is better than buying something processed, but you're not going to do too well with your weight loss if you continue to eat starchy veggies like potatoes, corn, carrots, and peas. Instead, let's switch these items out for something with a few less carbs.
If you're a squash fan, you could try purchasing zucchini or spaghetti squash instead. To be honest, I think that spaghetti squash tastes like flowers, so I usually go for the regular yellow squash. Throw zucchini, yellow squash, and onions together in a pan to saute and you have the perfect summer side dish. I am also a fan of fresh broccoli and fresh asparagus as side dishes, as well.

Moving on to greens, put back that typical iceberg lettuce. Iceberg lettuce does not have an issue with carbs, but there are far more nutrients in something like baby spinach or kale. If you're going to eat salad, you may as well make it count and really pack in the nutrients. Cucumbers are also okay to eat, but you kind of run into the same problems that iceberg lettuce-- there is just not much to them. Of course, you can load up on tomatoes (not my thang), green onions (which are my thang), and cabbage.

Meat (Dress) Section
As you know by now, you can pretty much eat any kind of protein while you're on the Dukan diet. There are a few exceptions to this rule. For instance, you cannot have ribeye because it is too fatty. Instead, go for a cut of meat like sirloin or New York Strip instead. Also, you cannot have any hamburger meat with a high fat content. Try to get lean ground beef instead. Yes, I know it is pricier than the regular kind, but you have to make sacrifices to get that smoking hot body you want. Are you ready for a fun fact? I have written a couple of posts about seemingly "healthy" food in the past. I have another one to add to my list-- ground turkey. Say whaaat?? Pinterest would lead me to believe that one serving of super healthy ground turkey would leave me with the body of Kate Upton (not the face, thank gawd). Sorry to burst your bubble, but ground turkey can be just as unhealthy as eating regular fatty hamburger meat. I usually either buy a cut of meat, like a steak or chicken breasts, and go with lean ground beef or ground chicken when I am shopping. At my local Kroger, they usually have 99% fat free ground chicken breast. If I find this on sale, which happens quite often, I will buy every pack they have and freeze them so I always have some on hand.

Dairy Section: Step Away From The Cinnamon Butter
While you're getting your shop on, you're going to want to pick up some eggs. High in protein and easy to make, boiled eggs are a great snack to have while you're trying to low carb diet. Be careful with the yolks though. Try not to have more than five yolks a week or you may end up with a heart attack-ack-ack-ack. Also, be careful of which yogurt you are buying. Just because it says Greek on it does not mean that it is healthy. A lot of Greek yogurts are loaded with carbs, especially if they have any kind of fruit added to them. Fruit on the bottom? They might as well call them fat on your bottom. Anything more than ten carbs in one container of yogurt is too much. Take your time and read the labels of what you are considering purchasing. You'll be surprised of what you find. There isn't much else in this section that is going to be of interest to you, unless you want to pick up a package of string cheese to have as a cheat snack. 

I have a few random tips to throw here at the end about grocery shopping while on a diet. Try to stick to the outer sides of the store. Think about that for a moment. All of the fresh food is usually placed on the walls of the stores because those products require refrigeration. All of the junk food aisles are usually in the center of the store. I don't even go down those aisles anymore to remove temptation, plus Keebler elves creep me the eff out. The only inner aisle I really go down anymore is the one that has the canned food to pick up things like black beans, corn, and chicken broth for when I make chili. For the love of all that is holy, do not, I repeat, DO NOT go down any aisle that is labeled as "Diet Food." What does that even mean? Like okay Walmart Super Center, did you read the Dukan Diet book just for me and set that aisle up to be carb free? Didn't think so. You'll run into things like Kashi cereal and the dreaded 100 calorie packs down these aisles. Run for your life! Don't get sucked in to thinking that eating these atrocities is okay. I find it mildly insulting they consider those things "diet food." Now if there was an aisle labeled "What Pamela Anderson Eats" then I would probably go down it... and hopefully not contract Hep C from Tommy Lee.

I hope this post was helpful for those of you that are like me and just don't know what to buy when you get to the store. Do you have any suggestions I need to add or things I need to try out? Let me know! Follow me on Twitter @Butterybiscuit7, on Instagram @Bridgetb2011, and be sure to like the fan page for Beauty on a Budget at Talk to you soon!


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